Has anybody felt like a failure, like you’re a disappointment to your parents, the most important people in your life? I have a really close relationship with my mom and dad. I am 23 years old and moved back with my parents few weeks ago. I recently started dating my bf for a few months now, we literary have seen each other 4+ days a week since we met. He has treated with so much respect and he’s so in love. I feel really safe and secure with him. I lived in California (my bf and I were in a LDR until recently) he had a trip planned to visit me but I moved before that happen so we’re still planning on going to Cali. I don’t want to hide anything from my parents so I shared them my plans. My mom was crying the second I mentioned we got a room together. She said I’m moving fast, I’m giving my self away so quick. I started crying and now she doesn’t speak to me. My heart is shattered. My trip is tomorrow and I feel regrets of even leaving the house. I even want to cancel the trip.

What should I do?