What am I doing wrong?! 😭😭


My baby is 11 wks old. Sometimes hes happy for a little bit but for the most part he cries if he isn't sleeping or eating. He is breast and bottle fed, gaining tons of weight so no issue there, doc says he looks great but put him on reflux meds to see if his crying is silent reflux. My sitter claims he does great with her while im at work. (She also lets him"watch" TV which is another thing for another day) but I hold and cuddle him, Rock him, give him kisses and read him books and show him toys and let him lay on his own when he's happy, take him out to see the sunshine and talk to him. He just doesn't seem to be happy with me and I can't get anything done because he cries so much so i just hold, rock, feed, bounce or walk him. I cry and cry bc feel like such a terrible mom bc hes so fussy. Is there something wrong with me, does my baby hate me?