my birth story PT2 lol **LONG STORY**

Harmony 🍉 • 9.16.17💙 11.25.18💙

so here’s a recap of my second baby’s birth story:

35w i went for a L&D tour. i was delivering at a different hospital than i did with my first bc i hated that hospital. my SIL & SO went with me. i LOVED it. the nurse mentioned that when a mom is about to start pushing, they tell the family in the waiting room to listen out for “twinkle twinkle little star” on the intercom. that’s how they’ll know a “little star” was born

37w5d: false alarm. i was 2.5cm and wasn’t making any progress in dilation but definitely in active labor contraction wise. i heard the lullaby 3 times. the last time, i cried asking my mom “why couldn’t that be my baby?” 🤣

38w2d: 5:30 pm (11/24/18) i woke up from a nap with my 14mo bc of a painful contraction. i started folding the babies clothes and hanging everything up and honking “it’s just BH” (for awhile i just assumed that’s what it was lol)

7:00pm: i’m in the bath trying to ease the pain. my SO has my MIL go pick up Sonic for me (baby was hungry lol) and i ate it while i was in the bath. i knew the hospital doesn’t let you eat in labor so i ate before hand. contractions were 2 minutes apart

8pm: we drive 30 minutes to the hospital. we had to pick up my FIL on the way. he tries to crack a joke and says “did you piss your pants?” 😂 i’m trying not to laugh bc i’m in pain and my SIL (9yo) says “dad don’t make her laugh! she’s obviously in pain” lmao

8:45 we check into triage

somewhere in between here my SO says “eh they’ll take awhile to check you. i’m gonna take a sh*t” HAHAHA

9pm: the doctor checks me. i’m preparing to be sent home again. “yeah you’re about 5cm” WTF!!! i call my SO and tell him and he’s like WTF. so then i call my mom who’s with my aunt and tell them to get to the hospital. i call my sister who wants to be there and she said “OMG is you sh*ttin’ me? i just put a face mask on and started a movie with Lupita (her friend)” 🤣

9:20pm: i’m checked again and i’m 7cm!!!!!! wow

at this point my SO calls my MIL and tells her. apparently they JUST got back home and bathed my 14mo lol. so they have to hurry back

oh and my sister that was doing her face mask was about 45-1 hour away so her crazy @$$ was speeding going 100 on the freeway 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤬 she tried being funny and sending it to my SO, but she ended up sending it in a group chat with my parents and SO smh

my birth plan was just to avoid the epidural, which i did for awhile. but the nurses convinced me to get it anyway 🙄

8cm: baby’s heart rate took a MASSIVE dip & a sh*t ton of nurses come RUNNING in. pushed my mom and SO back, tossing, turning me side to side, putting an oxygen mask on me, not saying a SINGLE word to any of us. oh and the epidural worked for MAYBE 30 minutes so that was great

i asked the nurse if i should be able to feel and move my toes and she basically brushed it off. my epidural COMPLETELY wore off. but i was managing it pretty well. but there was a hilarious moment when i couldn’t feel anything and let out a huge fart that penguins in Antarctica can feel 🤣

9.5cm: the nurse said “you still gotta bit of cervix left. but if you practice pushing now, it’ll help”. this is where the pain started to hit me. HARD. i wouldn’t even have to look at the monitor to see when i needed to push. my body just took over. everyone would take a break, see me grab my legs and hear me yell “i’m pushing”. then the doctor came back in. MAAAN there was tension between him and the nurses. he was pissed that they didn’t have me in stirrups, he had already sterilized himself. he was talking mad sh*t to them. i felt so bad bc i really loved my nurse 😂

2:31am my handsome boy was born weighing 7lbs 9oz and was 20.5” 💙

my SIL, FIL, and son were waiting in the waiting room. she went to use the bathroom when she heard “twinkle twinkle little star” and came RUNNING out telling her dad “the baby’s born, the baby’s born!” she was so excited

living his best life 🤣

christmas day he turned 1 month

now he’s 4 months