ISO sleep advice

My 7month old way an amazing sleeper in the beginning, then she got sick/I went back to work and we have progressively deteriorated in her sleep for the past 3 months. It’s gotten really bad over the last 2 weeks or so.

We have a bedtime routine, bath, story, song, nurse and bed. She is put down awake and is able to put herself to sleep. The problem is that she wakes multiple times a night and it takes a LONG time to get her to settle using a progressive waiting technique. Sometimes it’s an hour or more to get her to fall back asleep. She is not sick, she does not have a dirty diaper, no reflux, and she’s a good weight. The pediatrician has given us the green light to skip night feedings altogether. She doesn’t seem to want to nurse either, if I were to pick her up and give her snuggles, she would fall right back to sleep.

I guess my question is, do I persevere through this hump and continue progressive waiting? Is there another strategy I should try? My husband soothing her is not an option right now 🙄.

I should add that I do not have control over her naps during the day right now. She’s at daycare. My last day of work is 4/2, and after that I will be able to put her on more of a schedule during the day.

Pic of the culprit, because I love the stinker even though I’m sooo tired 😴