I need some help and maybe a pep talk...


Hey everyone. I’m 37. On my 8th <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a> cycle. No pregnancies yet.

A few days ago I went for my ultrasound to determine when to do <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a>. I had follicles, but they weren’t ready yet. Estrogen was 73.

Today they repeated the blood work and ultrasound and found that the follicles were more mature but my estrogen level actually decreased to 52. I take clomid and I did an injection of gonal f this month also.

The dr recommended another 5 days of clomid starting today. Does anyone have any incite as to why i would have a lower estrogen level now and whether the clomid might help this late in my cycle? I think I’m on CD 14.

I had the option to skip the iuis this month but I’ve spent about $1100 in treatments already to prep for it. I’m confused and kinda depressed. Would appreciate any ideas and/or comments. Thank u!