Just really discouraged


So I’ve been TTC for about 6 months. Really actively for about 3. My husband is gone for 2 weeks at a time so my cycle was finally synced up for the past 3 months when he was home. We tried during my window....negative pregnancy tests and no success. This past month I bought ovulation kit. During all this time he’s quit smoking. I rarely have that social drink. I’ve been taking prenatals entire time with vit. D. We are both taking folic acid and vit. C. I’ve drank the alkaline water and pineapple to prepare for my window. We tried again. Sat in bed with my legs up for a while after each try. Once again no success. This is so hard. I’m a nurse I work with newborns the baby fever is strong and it’s constant and everywhere. I’ve just gotten to the point where I feel so discouraged and a failure and feel like there could be something wrong. I’m sure I’m not the only one out there going through this and I’m sure there are people who have it worse. He says I’m trying to hard and I just need to let it happen. Maybe he’s right. I just feel at a complete loss and don’t know what to do anymore. Any advice?