After 2 years of trying....


So, in my life, I’ve never even had an oopsie. For most of my life, I didn’t think I could get pregnant.

My husband and I got married when I was 34 and started trying at 35. I’m now 37.

I work 70 hours a week in a very stressful job.

I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s a year and a half ago.

I completely changed everything in my life. My diet (no gluten, dairy or soy and adopted a paleo lifestyle Instead of vegetarian which I was for 22 years) I only drink filtered water, eliminated all toxins in personal care products as well as plastics etc. I supplement every day according to blood test results where certain macros and nutrition were lacking.

I started acupuncture, cupping and other TCM practices for fertility.

<a href="">IUI</a> and <a href="">IVF</a>, for me, would be a last stitch effort but I was doing everything possible to try and conceive without it. My doctor said that if I didn’t conceive in 90 days, that would be my next step. That was in December and it is now March.

It took me almost 2 years....

But last week on the day my period was due....

It’s still very early but I’ll take this...