Quicker than expected!


Let me just start by saying that my first baby was induced at 41.4 after finally dilating 1cm. Labor was 23hr and 55min. I stalled out at 6cm and 8cm and was one cervix check away from a c-section.

This baby...I was dilating slowly since 36weeks. At 40 weeks I was 3cm and 80% effaced and we scheduled an induction. I was so u comfortable. We got to the hospital at 8am. I was already having contractions Avery few minutes. My husband went to go get some food around 930 when they broke my water and around 10 the started the pot. Contractions reallllly picked up at that point. With my first I had already had the epidural before they broke my water so I was blissfully unaware of how intense things were about to get. I labored for an hour and a half before I got the epidural this time around. The nurse checked me when the epidural kicked in and I was only at 4cm so My husband suggested I take a nap but since it was about noon I couldn’t sleep. It had been about an hour or so since I’d had the epidural when I tried to read a book but I noticed I was feeling a lot of pressure and thought maybe the epidural was wearing off. I told the nurse the pressure felt like I had too poo, like when I had my last baby, so she checked me and I was a 6 but she said during contractions I would stretch to an 8 and baby was coming down. My nurse went to lunch and had them set up for delivery cuz she suspected it wouldn’t be long, I knew better tho cuz it had only been a few hours.🙄 15 min later the pressure really picked up again, the other nurse checked me and said to call my main nurse, I was 8cm. Holy shit this was moving fast!! 15 min later and the pressure was causing my body to push. I was 9.5 and ready to push so they called the doc. Thank god he was already in the building cuz he got stuck behind a train for the last one and missed the delivery 😂 12 min of pushing and my little girl was out. She weighed 7lb11oz (bigger than her big brother was!) everything went super fast but very smooth!