I'm torn on baby #3

I had 2 boys back to back .

I have been pregnant ,breastfeeding or both since dec 2014 and my youngest is still breastfeeding trying to wean.

We had a check list for #3

1)Oldest in some school

2) youngest is almost 2

3)bigger car

4) know where we're going to be stationed.

All those things have been marked off we have been trying since Nov but I'm kinda on the fence now . My boys are old enough to entertain themselves. They have a schedule, and I'm finally getting my own body back but our heart aches for a baby girl.

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Posted at
Are you prepared to have a baby boy instead? A girl isn’t guaranteed


Posted at
We are having our 3rd Baby Boy, sister. Lots of women have all of the same gender children. A certain gender is never guaranteed. If you want another baby in general, I say go for it, if you want a baby girl only and would be very disappointed in a 3rd son, I would say to reconsider and rethink. 👍


Posted at
We would not mind having another little boy , we seem to be doing pretty well with the boy life style hah.I think I'm content for now . I'm so nervous about going from two to 3 because we are a huge fan of theme parks and most rides are either 2 per row or 4... someone would always be left out! 🙈


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I have 5 boys!! I completely understand wanting a baby girl! Some days I want a baby girl so bad my heart hurts!! But like some one said already you have to be prepared to deal with not getting what you want!


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The checklist is done, nursing also can effect your fertility... if you’re okay with it being a boy or girl and being preggers again than just don’t “try” and if it’s meant to be it’s meant to be