

My period is now 4 days late. Took a test 2 days ago and it was negative. We have an 8 month old baby and are not using any form of birth control. It took 5 years a miscarriage, 3 <a href="">IUI</a>’s and finally a successful round of <a href="">IVF</a> to conceive our son so call me crazy my brain convinced me birth control was unnecessary and we would welcome a second baby if it ever happened naturally. We had sex 5 and 3 days before i ovulated according to glow, and my period is usually very regular between 28-30 days. Glow is usually accurate to the day flo will start and I see no sign of her. Am I pregnant? Am I just stressed? It’s killing me. I’m so torn wanting to be pregnant again, I’ve actually missed being pregnant since my son was born and want him to have a sibling. I also want the validation of yes, we can conceive on our own. But i know right now wouldn’t be the best time for me to be pregnant again financially, physically, we’re already struggling to figure out daycare while both of us have to work full time. I’m so torn I can’t sleep i am fighting the urge to go take another test, I feel like I will be so disappointed if I’m not pregnant but know it’s probably for the best right now. Ugh my brain won’t stop, I’m just venting. Anyone else in a similar situation?