Is This Behavior Normal?


I posted last night about my concerns with my 5 year old daughter. This morning was a strange morning with her and it was one of those mornings that makes me feel like she’s not “normal”.

I woke her up to get ready for school this morning. I had her go potty while I laid out school clothes and then asked her to make her bed and get dressed while I got my youngest up and changed her diaper. When I was done with that I went to check on her and she was still getting dressed.

Since it’s cold out I decided to go ahead and start the car. I come back in to see her standing in the middle of the living room doing nothing so I told her she needed to finish getting ready.

She runs off to the bathroom to brush her hair and teeth. I’m holding my youngest when she smacks me in the face so I say “no ma’am don’t hit me” and my 5 year old freezes and stands there and stares at me. I initially ignore her but she continues to stand and stare at me so I tell her to finish getting ready.

When she’s done getting ready I tell her to go back and finish making her bed because all of her pillows and stuffed animals are laying in her floor. (She’s been making her bed a very long time so she knows how to do it well by now.)

Then we go to the garage to put shoes on. She sits in the doorway and I say “please move out of the doorway. I need to close the door,” and she jumps up, goes to the middle of the garage and stares at me like I’ve just threatened to slap her. I had to tell her to sit down and finish putting her shoes on.

Because of all of this we were late getting to her school. I absolutely do not understand. I did not once get onto her in any way, my tone of voice was 100% Disney Princess friendly, and nothing bad happened. There was no reason for her to be a nervous wreck all morning. And no it is not common for her to be yelled at either.

She acts like this all of the time and it makes no sense to me. She ends up getting herself in trouble because we have to ask her to do things a million times nicely and then finally get mad before she does it. And she claims that she “doesn’t do what she’s told because she’s scared to get in trouble”. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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