So my baby doesn’t nap...


He sleeps at night, but he won’t take naps during the day. He gets tired and cries but he won’t go to sleep! I have tried everything!! I put him down sleepy and he cries, I try to get him to nap at the first sign of tiredness and he cries. I nurse him and put him in his crib and he cries. We got blackout curtains for his room, I make sure he is dry and a comfortable temperature. I don’t drink coffee anymore and I have tried different schedules. I try putting him down and leaving and after a few minutes coming back to smooth him without picking him up but he doesn’t stop crying. He has currently been crying for 45 minutes even though I keep coming back in. He is six months old and we have been trying to sleep train him since February when this started. We have asked his pediatrician twice about it and she is useless. She just says put him down when he is tired and keep trying. So here we are, two months of crying non stop for hours a day and literally no improvement. Is sleep training supposed to take this long?? Is this normal??? We adjusted his bedtime and he doesn’t have problems sleeping at night. It’s literally only naps. I don’t understand what’s wrong or how to fix it.