Nap trouble

Amanda • Wife + Mom to sweet baby girl born 9/3/18 🌺

Guys, I just don't know what to do with naps. My LO will not sleep longer than 20-30 minutes at a time. I wouldn't mind at all if she woke up in a decent mood, but she's miserable. She's still clearly tired, yawning, and because she's so tired she can't stay up for more than another hour and a half or so. After that hour and a half she then starts crying her little heart out until she finally falls back asleep again (usually on me this time, or in the swing if I've had to put her down to do something else)- but again only stays asleep for another 25-30 minutes. Even if she falls asleep when we're out driving in the car, 20-25 mins later she's awake. I don't know what to do. It's not at all about me. I don't "need nap time" so I can get things done, but I want a happy baby. Surely three 20-30 min naps a day can't be good for her if she's so overly tired and cranky. Oh and ftr- I do wait a full 2.5-3 hrs after waking for that first nap. She has a bottle and solids in her wake window, and she does actively play, so she's expending energy.

She does sleep well at night, and for naps I set everything up just like it would be at night (blackout curtains, sound machine, lullaby loop, etc). Idk what to do. If I just let her fuss and cry after a nap in hopes that she'll put herself back to sleep it just doesn't happen. Things just escalate until it's full blown crying. If I rock her or comfort her to try to get her back to sleep she screams the entire time trying to fight it. I've sleep trained other children where getting them to sleep was the hard part, but then they'd stay asleep! Idk what to do do help her sleep longer and be more well rested. I follow takingcarababies on IG but I don't have the $$ for her online course.

Is anyone else in a similar boat??