Tell me what you think 🤔


So I was raised in a Christian family where I have to go to church every (Sun,Wen,Friday)

Type of thing, but I don’t like it when I was little I wouldn’t mind it but now I really don’t like it. I can’t tell my parents how I really feel because of how they well react my siblings aren’t Christian and they get told like every other day something about it like for example if you don’t change your gonna burn in hell or God’s gonna punish you. I’m 17 and my siblings are 19 and up so if they are adults imagine me that I’m a kid if I tell them how I really feel they might just say I have demons bothering me and that’s why I’m thinking like that. I’ve tried going to other churches but it’s not something I want to do. Like I just want to be a little normal like wear pants wear jewelry I can only use rings wear the amount of makeup i want like I can wear makeup but I can’t do eyeliner,eyeshadow,eyebrows I can only do foundation powder mascara and really soft lipsticks and I want to do these stuff because I want to not because I see other people doing it I just like them. Believe it or not I’m a virgin but I don’t think it’s bad to have sex before I get married but for them that’s a sin a really bad one I can hardly do anything because mostly everything is a sin.

so the reason I’m here is because I want you guys to give me four reasons why I should be a Christian and one of the reasons can’t be because he’s good. The reason I want four reasons is because I want to go to church thinking about these reasons to see if it’s worthy of my time. Thanks and help a sister out✌🏻 I won’t debate with you or anything just want to see your point of view I don’t have nothing against Christians I just don’t like church.

(P.s) my parents are great people it’s just when it comes to Christ stuff they’re like that