So confused... line eyes?



Okay so this first one I did last Thursday...

Then after seeing there was a second line, I got a tad excited and have been taking more they are so faint that I can barely see them... as for dpo I’m not sure had a d&c in January so my cycle has been abit of a mess... so I’m not entirely sure could be due on in 2 days or could be due in 5 days... anyway I see lines on these tests but the kind of lines where you really have to look😂 but still I’m going to the doctors tomorrow as I’m currently on folic acid due to my last pregnancy and I’m on my last 3 tablets I’m not sure if this is something I should mention....🤯

Also, I’ve had quite a lot of symptoms hence me taking the test in the first place, I feel sick constantly more at night(same with previous baby) also stomach has already bloated out at the bottom(same as previous) also really unusual for me but I legit have no acne and normally I’m covered especially before my period..(again same with previous) and also been having a very strange feeling in my lower stomach and I know some people say they can just feel pregnant and that’s how ive been lately it’s like I know deep down something is going on but still not sure please any advice welcome,... I know it’s long sorry but I have no one else to talk about this stuff too 😥🤷🏼‍♀️❤️❤️

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