Birth story


Let’s start off by saying I thought my little man was going to come early but I was wrong I ended up being five days overdue and having to be induced they started with the balloon on Tuesday and sent me home I had to keep that in for 12 hours so Wednesday I went back at 10:30 at night the hospital check to me in and because I was 4 cm by then having a little to no contractions they gave me that pill to start more contractions it helped a little bit to pick them up so I was having contractions every five minutes and that lasted a few hours then they went to two minutes apart so Thursday morning they decided to put me on Pitocin and that kit started stuff into gear real fast I start having two-minute contractions every 2 to 3 minutes and it was all back to labor so it felt like someone stabbing me in the back every 2 to 3 minutes It was terrible so by this time I’ve had no sleep And this lasted until Friday around 2 PM I finally gave in and wanted epidural my whole birth plan went out the window at this point I just wanted some rest and it helped so much I ended up being able to take a nap actually drink some water without feeling like I have to puke so by 8:30pm they checked me and I was 7 cm baby head down but he was sunny side up they didn’t like that so they wanted to try to turn the baby

They gave me this peanut ball to put between my legs on different side so I had to turn every 30 minutes to see if that helped it did not really help he only turned halfway they checked me again at 12:30 and I was 10 cm I started pushing at 1:00 and let’s just say when you can’t feel your legs and half of your body it’s kind of hard to figure out what you’re doing by this time the baby’s head was almost out but his hand was in the way this part goes pretty fast and a little scary his heart dropped so they had a Pull baby out his hand was wrapped around his cord that was also around his neck and with them having to pull him out I have a third-degree tear baby was blue when he came out they had to help him start to cry and when they were doing that I was delivering my placenta that was stuck it came out in pieces

Slade Grayson 7 pounds 13oz 21 inches long