Ovarian cyst😭

I was getting ready for work yesterday and out of nowhere i was bent over in pain and couldn’t even walk without almost falling over, so my boyfriend immediately took me to the ER because we thought my appendix was the cause.....after 40 minutes of still being in pain and getting an ultrasound to check my kidneys, bladder, uterus and ovaries...turns out I had a hemorrhagic ovarian cyst😣 this pain is unlike any pain I’ve had before and I’m so confused because I always thought if ovarian cysts did occur, they developed during your period...but I’m on day 22 of my cycle?? They said it can happen at any point of the cycle but it’s just more common at the beginning. Have any of you had an ovarian cyst burst?? If you have how do you deal with the constant stabbing/organ twisting pain😭