Stop breastfeeding by 15 months?? Advice from doc:


We just had my sons one year well visit and we expressed our concern regarding his sleep, he's still waking every 2-3 hours throughout the night. I explained that he wakes and wants to nurse, but it seems more of a comfort thing vs being hungry and actually needing food. We told her that we've tried all kinds of things and nothing seems to be working (more daytime naps/less daytime naps/more milk and food during the day, etc). Her only response? "You need stop nursing since he needs to be done nursing at 15 months anyways," I've never been good at hiding my facial expressions and this was no different because she then followed with, "oh, was that not your plan?" I said that considering that the WHO recommends breastfeeding to continue until the age of two, if he self weans before that then so be it but I had no plans to wean him until then. She ignored my initial statement and said, "HA HA well if you let him wean himself he'll be breastfeeding at 14 HA HA." So, she clearly wasn't listening to me and continued on with saying he needs to be weaned and put on cows milk (after knowing we don't eat dairy .. so ew).

Then she said that nursing is only beneficial for the first 3-4 months and that at this point all its doing is hurting me (aka him nursing is taking nutrients from my body).

I just don't understand. Why/how is she even allowed to say things like that? And then to continue to only suggest that as a solution to him not sleeping when I was very clear in my stance that I wasn't going to stop nursing this early. Ugh.