Fetal Growth Restriction, anyone else?

Adenia • Instagram: @AdeniaMariee | Royalty & Elijah Mommy👨‍👩‍👧🧸

(did a post a while back on when i found out about her fetal growth restriction, this is a update) •36 weeks + 5 days• Went to my OBGYN Yesterday and they put me on the fetal monitor and i had 5 real contractions while there but not close enough for labor yet. They told me that they want me to start getting monitored 3 days a week now due to my pregnancy being high risk, it sent a shock wave to me because it went from being monitored once a month to every 2 weeks to now every 3 days out of a week, they told me not to stress about it but it’s hard when you just have to sit back and due nothing. Last time i went in for a anatomy scan they told me she was still small and her abdomen grew a tiny bit but not enough to make process to where she suppose to be. When they measured my tummy yesterday they said my bump was measuring as a 33 week bump instead of a 36 bump *sigh*🙄. This is still so hard for me to process, I just wish she could come out and they can get her health up. It makes no sense what so ever to keep her in there if she’s not growing and not getting the nutrients she needs. It’s been over a month and she’s still not showing any signs of growing and everyone else i’ve talked to who has this had there baby come out so they can grow but everytime i ask about inducing they always tell me “we’ll talk about it next week” ugh i’m getting so tired of waiting. I also started getting some bright red spotting yesterday while at my appointment but she told me it was nothing to worry about my body is just preparing for labor. And yesterday I weighed 131.4 at my appointment and when i weighed myself this morning i was 126.4, wtf is going on😫! If your going/been through the same thing please comment down below, tell me what’s going on with you.