Letter to the child I may never have.

I wrote this poem last year to put my feelings into words. It has been almost 6 years of trying to have a baby. As my wedding anniversary approaches, it has been a bit harder to push my feelings down. So I thought i would share it again.


I have always wanted to meet you

But I was taught to be careful so it didn't happen too soon

I thought that when the time was right, having you in my life would be easy

At least it was supposed to be...

I hoped, I wished, and I prayed for years

But now I am afraid....

I fear that you are just a dream that may never come true

And the thought of not knowing you destroys me inside

Im on the edge of giving up

I'm defeated, I'm lost, and I'm sad

Sometimes it's hard to breathe

But I will keep on smiling on the outside, because it's not all about me

But inside, my heart is breaking