When to start pumping

Caitlin • ❤️❤️❤️

My baby will be 2 weeks old on Saturday. She latched right away and is a great eater. My milk came in very quickly. What I’m dealing with now is she typically feeds every 1.5 hours during the day then from 3-8pm usually cluster feeds so ranges from every 40mins to an hour. Then from 11-7am usually sleeps good and feeds every 2-2hr 15mins.

Problem is my boobs are constantly full. If she doesnt eat in her pattern they keep getting more full. I’ve been doing a good job rotating boobs, I just didn’t know if I should start pumping to relieve the fullness. It does change her latch when they are very full I end up having to hold my breast so it doesn’t fall out or change her latch.

Not sure if this will just regulate or if I should be pumping in addition to feeding her.