Thinking about switching to the patch

Iz • PCOS & Girl Mom to a Sunset Baby and Sunrise Baby 🌅🌄

So I’ve had crazy birth control side effects since I started taking them a year ago. I’ve been switched from brand to brand at least 4 times due to moving and new insurance. And each gave me different side effects.

The first pack made me bleed like crazy and made me nauseous. (Although I chalked that up to my first pack.)

I was then switched to the generic version and did okay on it but as I deal with significant anxiety it increased that and made my life kinda miserable.

I was then switched to another generic brand which gave me crazy headaches and made me feel pregnant almost every month... definitely not what you want in a contraceptive! 🤣

Next, I was switched to yet another generic brand and I have gained a significant amount of weight on it! Now I know there are things I can do to lesson the weight gain... but um... who wants to have to work harder to lose weight than it already is for most females.

So in saying all of this I’m pretty over using the pill. I absolutely will not get the shot, an IUD, or the bar. I’m okay with just using condoms but I think my husband would feel better if I was just on something. So what are you experiences with the patch. Pros. Cons. Everything.