Junel Fe


I am 3 months pp and hadn’t been on birth control in over 10 years due to passing out on a low dose one. I had decided I would like to start again on some since my husband and I could not handle another baby right now but it would give us time before my husband decided whether or not he really wanted to get snipped.

My provider started me on Junel Fe. It’s low dose so we were hoping it wouldn’t effect my blood pressure like the previous one did.

That being said, since I started it two weeks ago I have had two days where I haven’t been break through bleeding. Otherwise it’s been medium flow bleeding, bad migraines, and some pretty bad bouts of anger/irritation that is extremely unusual for me. The latter is most concerning and I’m not sure if it’s because I have been bleeding for so long and am getting anemic or caused by the hormones but anger is rare for me and I don’t like it haha.

Yes I’ve messaged my provider and am waiting her response but I am curious if anyone else had these reactions to this birth control.