Need help with clingy LO

Jessika Michelle • In love with my best friend 💏 Mom of 3 handsome boys 💙

My son is 10 months tomorrow and he has been extremely clingy for MONTHS!! It's driving me insane! I need help, please!!

Idk how to get him to stop crying and crawling after me anytime I try to leave the room for even 30 seconds (or to use the bathroom by myself). I can't get anything done around the house and he won't sit with other people unless I'm in the room too. He even acts like that with his dad and he now sometimes he thinks our son doesn't like him. Which is ridiculous but I understand.

Car rides are heartbreakingly unbearable because he cries nonstop once the car gets moving-- it doesn't matter whether we are going 5 minutes down the street or a 35 minute 20 mile drive.. it's been this way since he was a month old.

What do I do?!! I need advice!!! I feel defeated at times.

P.S: Also, I feel like he still doesn't understand "no" OR he's just ignoring me. 🤱🏽😭❤