He doesn’t take any responsibility ?!

Does it make sense that I want my husband to make a decision to leave me since he is the one who is unhappy. I feel like my husband broke my heart but he doesn’t want the responsibility of ending our marriage?

Maybe I’m confused. My husband mentioned he isn’t happy in the marriage which is causing me to be unhappy because of his actions and attitude. He says things like he isn’t doing that he is supposed to be doing, which is work for unicef helping on the ground in Africa. He screwed him over and part of me wants him to finally man up and do what’s right for him... he blames me for everything and even at what could be the last chapter of our marriage he won’t take responsibility and say he ended things because he didn’t want to be married anymore, he wants to be able to say she did this and this and she left me...

Does that make sense ? Ever been in a situation like that?

Almost like he is afraid of leaving Me and it being a mistake so he would rather if I left him? Ofcourse all this is my assumption based on his actions and words.