Food help with a picky eater

Maria • Mommy to 2 girls💕& a baby boy 💙

So my 6 year old is SO stubborn with food. She refuses to try anything I make for dinner, any (healthier) snacks I try to give's just a really hard time. She literally will only touch pb&j's & mac & cheese..and any junk food snack (chips, sugary snacks, ect.) She used to love the organic Applegate chicken tenders and now says they look gross? she won't eat them anymore 🙄 at least those made me feel good, like she was getting some protein in her body..and now that's out. I've tried having her help me in the kitchen, made it fun & everything..still won't budge. Tried cutting things into cute & fun shapes, ect..nothing lol. What worked for you guys if you have picky eaters? Help meeee 😫