Is my baby above average? Average? Or below average?

Let me start by saying... I know my child isn’t a genius or anything but I think he’s pretty smart. I’ve been around children my entire life and practically raised 3 on my own. I know a lot about child development.

Everyone I know seems to think my son is extra smart, I agree. I KNOW all children catch up to each other in the end. I am more so writing this to see others opinions and to find ways that I can help expand his knowledge and find the best ways I can help him learn. PLEASE NO HATE!

I am not trying to say my kid is smarter than all the other kids or anything like that at all, I am honestly JUST CURIOUS! I know I will get rude people anyways but seriously if you have nothing nice to say then move on!

Okay so my son is 13 months old. He knows at least 40 words and uses them on a regular basis, he learns at least one new word a day. He knows about 20 different signs from ASL and uses them regularly.

He knows the numbers 1-5. He can’t point them out when I ask which is which. He’s working on saying the numbers but for now he knows how to say one and two. If you ask him where something is 9 times out of 10 he will either point to it or go get it and bring it to me. I really only have to tell him what something is once or twice before he remembers what it’s called.

He knows at least 7 animal sounds. (For example if I say what sound does a lion make he’ll say “roaarrr” a monkey? “Ooh ahh ooh ahh!” Etc)

He tells me with words or sign when he’s hungry, thirsty, tired, mad etc. When he eats meals, he sits down by himself at his kids table, sets the table with real glass cups, bowls and silverware. Drinks from a glass cup and treats it with respect. Wipes up his hands mouth and area after eating and throws away the wipe and any other garbage. He also *tries* to sweep up his mess on the ground, although he needs to work on that one a bit.

He gets up to the sink by himself using a step stool, turns the water on and off and brushes his own teeth (I still go over them again after just to be sure). He washes himself in the bath. He washes his own hands. He is generally very independent and can do almost anything by himself if I let him, he may not do everything perfectly but he does very well considering he just turned a year old.

He is starting to learn how to read words, or atleast memorize what the words look like. He recognizes some words in his favorite books and can point out things like: baby, nose, shoes etc. and say them. He can also point out some states on a map.

What do you guys think?

Right now we are working on sensory activities, emotions, letters and numbers.

If you have any ideas on how I can help him develop even more I would love some ideas, I want to help his need to learn as much as I possibly can. I just recently became a stay at home mom and would love to spend my time teaching him and doing activities and games.

Thank you!

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