Child support

Long story short I left my manipulative emotionally abusive narcissistic ex 7 months ago. We have an 18 month old who he said was an inconvenience to his life constantly complained about her called her it until she was 6 months old and you get the point. We moved back to my family in 2000 miles away from him to MA. I have been taking care of her on my own with out a dime from him and he’s came to visit (because his mom forced him and bribed him by paying for the trip) for a weekend once since we’ve been gone. He says he won’t have to pay me child support because he’ll just keep track of how much he spends on a visit and that will be equivalent to what child support would be in a judges eyes. Mind you I could care less about it. I have a great job and am financially independent but just out of curiosity is this true? Btw he wants to keep this out of court and just have an agreement we both agree on. When I’ve threatened court he gets all agitated. I know he and his family have talked to a lawyer so I’m thinking he must know something I don’t and there’s a reason he doesn’t want to go to court. Anyone been in a similar situation?


Thanks for your input ladies! I will most likely end up taking him to court especially as I’m frustrated he thinks he can still manipulate me into doing whatever he wants. I’m more afraid of him trying for more custody which may not even be up for debate since he lives across the country and has no interest in living here. I would also rather spend the money on my daughter than court fees but at the same time I can’t let him think him visiting twice a year makes him a dad. He likes to use the words coparent a lot but last I checked two people need to be involved to coparent.