Little worried



My beta is tomorrow and I’m getting some cramping tonight. Has anyone else experienced cramping this last past their transfer!?!

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Posted at
Lots of cramping. Your uterus starts stretching right away. I literally get cramps every morning. I even had a day where I was bleeding and cramping. I was soooo scared but it was just the baby digging in more and hitting blood vessels or something. The bleeding was the day before by beta and my cramps were sooo bad I for sure tv bought it was my period. But everything is ok!!!!


Amanda • Apr 4, 2019
It was soo scary but normal I guess!


Chelsea • Apr 4, 2019
I had spotting the day of my beta too...on the way there. I panicked!


Posted at
You had a positive test right? Cramping is normal right now. I'm still crampy at six weeks.


Nicole • Apr 4, 2019
Same here I’m still cramping and I’m 6+1. No spotting or anything but uncomfortable cramping which makes you crazy.


Chelsea • Apr 4, 2019
You're okay! I was cramping so bad I thought for sure I was going to start. But my numbers were pretty high. It's normal.


Erin • Apr 4, 2019
I’ve taken 4 tests and all positive. Beta is tomorrow. I think I’m just getting in my head!


Posted at
I have on and off cramping as well all the time and I am 6 weeks! It’s totally normal as long as you aren’t bleeding heavily/ passing clots!


Posted at
I still have cramping. Don’t stress. It’s normal 😘


Posted at
So glad you posted this! I go for beta tomorrow and I’ve had hard cramping day 2& 3 then not much. Then 10dpt I started having some mildosh cramping pretty consistently. I’m 12dpt today and test day is tomorrow! Let me know how it goes, with positive hpt I bet you’ll have a positive beta too💜🙏🏻🤞🏻