Mom guilt 😫

I have my daughter 99% of the time when I’m not at work (I work part time) I don’t go out with friends, I don’t go out period unless it’s to the store, by 99% I mean like that other 1% is when she decides to sit on her dad’s lap for a little while for a change or she’s playing with her toys (still making sure I am in her sight lol) and on top of that I am currently 14 weeks pregnant. She’s a very clingy child so no matter where I go or what I do she insists on being right at my side, if she’s napping and I try to get up she usually wakes and wants me to sit back with her while she sleeps, if I do get a chance to get up it’s usually to clean a mess or do something that needs to be done and even then she usually wakes pretty soon after I’m up, she wants to nurse multiple times throughout the day and I have to nurse her to sleep of a night (she turns 2yo in a week), I no longer shower alone, I no longer use the restroom alone unless I can sneak away for a quick pee, and though this may all sound like I’m complaining about it I’m not, I love spending so much time with her but some days I get very overwhelmed with everything. Some days I just need some alone time and when I ask my partner to take her for a while and he says no (which usually happens 99% of the time I ask him and if I try to just leave her with him and take the time for myself without saying anything he usually follows me and brings her right to me but he can walk out the door anytime he wants, shower alone anytime he wants, takes his relaxation time, goes to see his friends, sends her to me when she’s upset, etc.)I get so angry at him and feel so defeated because I’ve gotten to the point where I just can’t handle having another person right on my hip anymore and I have to just deal with it anyways and then when I look at her I feel SO GUILTY and like I’m an awful mother for it. Like why wouldn’t I want to be around this perfect little girl every second of every day and what if she starts to think or feel like I don’t want to be around her. Mom guilt just hits me so hard every time. Sorry for the long rant.