Relocation anxiety


Hi guys,

I will be a recent college graduate living in Texas, wanting to relocate to Orlando, Florida. I’m having a really hard time and feeling discouraged because I don’t feel financially prepared to move. I’m currently working a paid internship, but my income is barely covering basic living expenses, so my saving has been really limited.

I really, really want to move out of state. I’ve been dealing with so much family and life stress here that it’s caused me to develop depression and I want to go get a fresh start.

However, I’m financially struggling with trying to save enough money to move to a new state. I’ve been applying to full time jobs for when I graduate, but no guaranteed positions yet and none that have been willing to offer relocation bonuses/stipend, etc.

In the meantime, I’ve been trying to do little things to make money (side jobs, selling clothes, etc.) but it’s ultimately not enough.

I’ve been hoping to find a relocation specialist, but nothing so far. I’m just looking for advice and/encouragement to help me feel less discouraged or even some resources to help me make a plan or land a job in Orlando.