Anyone have suggestions?

I work from home with my husband, so our hours are very flexible. Whats not flexible, is that getting up early to get kids ready for school and out the door. I don’t mind handling this for the most part (though it is REALLY hard getting teens out of bed when it’s still dark) because it gives me a little bit of time to myself in the mornings.

Usually after kids are off to school, i clean, put together breakfast for my husband and myself, and catch up on emails, etc. By the time my husband is up, I’ve been going for 3-4 hours, and I’m ready to chill with a cup of tea or coffee for a few minutes. He doesn’t seem to get it, (that this is my little break,) and asks if I’m going to be on my phone all morning.

It makes me want to just tell him to go F himself anymore. Does anyone else live with someone who doesn’t seem to have a clue? Yes, I’ve told him many times over the years, but I shouldn’t feel like I have to justify how I spend my time, especially since I do the bulk of everything household related, along with caring for the kids. Maybe he thinks I have little mouse helpers like Cinderella? 🤔 Just needed to vent...