My 5 mo old got kicked out of day care!


We were just told that the day care provider couldn’t/wouldn’t watch our LO any longer, because he cries the whole time.

Previously she said he was an angel and perfect baby.

He doesn’t like to just lay down and self entertain.

When he’s around us we give him input. A lot of input. Reading, singing, talking, walks, toys, mental, and visual stimulation.

Mom may hold him too much, but he plays on the in his playard with toys while i work on the computer

And hes fine watching kids play, cars go by, and im sure he would be good with a tv but im never using one as a babysitter or sedative.

Fyi - we take him to stores and restaurants and local outdoor events and he’s always fine. Maybe a little antsy for a new view every so often, but i thought that’s normal

Has anyone else had this issue? Are we doing something wrong with raising our son? I get cringes when i hear screaming tantrum kids out in public and dont want to do that to people with my LO. Are we teaching our baby to be like that?

Luckily grandma said she would watch him. So blessed! This is a funny story to tell him later in life. Expelled at 5mos for being a nuisance and disruptive! Lol. I just hope its not a foreshadowing of our not to distant future.

Your advice is appreciated.