Struggling Stepparent.

I know this will sound striking to some, while resonating with others. But sometimes, like right now, I HATE being a stepparent. Especially a part time, as in every other weekend and 1-2 three hour week day visits, because you’re included just enough to have to deal with the hassles (especially with the other parent) but not around enough to have a huge influence on the child in comparison. I deal with lying, dealing with the child feeling like the world owes them everything, manipulation, battling results of lack of co parenting due to the other parent, and it just seems like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel some days. “You knew he had a kid” yeah, I did. But no, I didn’t know what it would truly be like to be a bystander in my own story, because these are shoes I have never walked in before and I honestly envisioned a totally different version of my reality. My daughters stepmom entered her life at such a young age, and has always made it seem so easy. She was always so awesome with her, in every way imaginable. I’ve gone to her for so much advice, but because situations are different I don’t feel like I’ll ever be able to master it the way she has despite how much I’d love to. I treat all the kids the same, despite not feeling a strong bond as a stepmother. Is that bond suppose to come naturally? Will it ever come? Some days are great. Others, 🙄 ugh.. not so much. Am I the only one? Is this normal to struggle with being a stepparent, especially to a pre-teen? How do you prevent it all (dealing with the child, with her parents, etc) from bringing you down mentally, and keep it from affecting your over all energy?