Dating scan EDD 11-27-19

Courtney • First child beautiful son born 5/6/2015. Second son born 9/8/2016. Third son born 3/9/2018. Baby #4 heaven baby Sept 2018. Rainbow Twins due thanksgiving 2019!

Some of you may or may not know my story. I’ll be brief. I have three kids 3yr, 2yr, 1yr. First was a LONG fertility struggle, other two were conceived naturally after just a few months PP.

Pregnancy #2 and #3 were twin pregnancies. Sadly each time ended as vanishing twin syndrome.

Pregnancy #4 was a miscarriage in October.

Pregnancy #5 we just went in for our dating scan. My HCG number came back good. Higher but not insane. My progesterone was crazy high; so high my OB keeps commenting about it.

So I’m suppose to be 6w1d and we see this.

Triplets? Twins? Singleton?

I DONT KNOW! Dr doesn’t know! We could only see one heart beat but my OB did stress that bc how early I am it’s not uncommon for multiples to measure different and not be able to detect heartbeats.

So here I sit in Limbo yet again waiting to see if it is a singleton pregnancy, twin pregnancy or triplets.... can’t I for once have an uneventful pregnancy?

Don’t get me wrong. I would be over the moon if it’s one or two or three. I’m blessed to be pregnant but I hate the idea of having to mourn more babies.

Follow up is on Tuesday to see if more get heartbeats.