How much?

Molly • 29 yrs old, Mom to twin 9 yr old boys 👦🏼👦🏼, beautiful 1 yr old baby girl 👶🏼 & pregnant w/ a baby boy due Sept. 2020. Married to the love of my life 💏

I’m wondering how much breast milk to give my baby in a bottle. My LO is almost 5 months old and I EBF but she has been more hungry during the day and waking every 2 hours to eat at night. I’m not sure if my supply is low or if she is going through a growth spurt but I’m thinking of giving her a bottle of breast milk at night to make sure she’s really getting enough before bed. I just don’t know how much she gets from my breast so I don’t know how much to give her in a bottle. Any input would be great! Thanks!