Pumping at Work


Since birth my son has been EBF until I began pumping so that his dad and maternal grandmother could help with feedings. He takes the bottles fine and still latches really good to me so there's no nipple confusion. Last night at 8 weeks & 2 days PP was my first night back at my part time job as door attendant at a local nightclub. I've been there 2 years and worked right up until my the month before my due date. I BF my son right before leaving for work (7:00) and took a break to pump (10:30) during my shift. While pumping at work I noticed I didn't pump nearly as much as I normally get when pumping both breast here at home. I also noticed that when I got home from work as soon as I held my son milk came down in both breast and they immediately became engorged. Is this normal? Has any of you ladies experienced pumping at work problems?