Beyond excited!


I placed the styrofoam plate in front of John on the table, he looked up, with wonder on his face, already knowing what it meant but trying to figure things out “wha” he said. I said two means pregnant. He said “two means pregnant?” The excitement growing in his eyes and on his checks. I said ya! Already beginning to cry. He had the biggest smile! I will never forget it, the excitement bursting out of his eyes, his cheeks all red and just a look of pure happiness. he got up and hugged into me. John said “then you was getting all upset for nothing!” And hugged a little harder, “I love you!” I said I love you to. And we just stood there, swaying back and forth saying things like: I love you, we’re going to have a baby, I’m so excited....” while I hard cried the happiest tears I ever cried and John had tears in his eyes and one rolling down his cheek! I shook extremely hard, my legs were bouncing up and down underneath me, I couldn’t control them and he had to hold me up and we laughed at my crying and shaking. The pressure of 17 long months, the heartache of all the past negatives and one past chemical, the overjoy of finally seeing the positive (stronger then I’ve ever seen) escaping my body all at once. He said you don’t have to shake and cry and I said I can’t help it I’m just so excited, to which Johnny replied me too. We stood like that for almost 10 minutes, then taking selfies to remember how happy we are! We didn’t even eat the actual breakfast of eggs and pancakes that I made because we were two excited, we just sat at the table and talked (me a million words a minute) and made plans and laughed and recounted some things that happened to me over the previous days that were definitely pregnancy symptoms. I danced around like a crazy person every chance I got unable to stand still and John just kept hugging me and kissing me. John asked who else knew and I told him I literally just found out 530am. I explained to him that I had three dreams last night of me taking pregnancy tests and getting positives where the pregnant line was darker then the control line and in each dream I was so happy that I couldn’t wait to tell him by making a nice supper like I had always planned. So when I woke up 530 to pee, already 1 day late for my period, I decided to test. I was nervous and excited but after 17 months, spotting three days ago (that usually occurs two days before my period), and cramps and diarrhea yesterday (both always occur on the first day of my period) I wouldn’t let myself get to excited. so I put the test on the counter and turned on my phone alarm to watch it count down exactly two minutes before I looked. When I saw the two lines I was in disbelief! Amazement, pure joy and a bit of panic all over took me, my heart beat so hard I thought it was going to rip my chest open! I got back in bed and and felt weak from how hard my pulse was. Only then realizing I forgot the test on the bathroom counter where John might see, mentally noting that I would have to get up before him to move it. I immediately had to tell someone so I entered pregnant in my <a href="">Glow App</a> on my phone and tried to plan how I would tell John over supper tomorrow night, because I work tonight. But I knew I couldn’t wait that long so I planned breakfast instead, I guess he felt me stirring because he asked what was wrong so I had to mask my excitement when I said “nothing”. I planned to lay in bed until 630 and get up to make breakfast but I could only lay there until 613. I decided I would make pancakes and eggs, and deliver it to him but instead of food on the plate it would be my pregnancy test. I tried to be quiet at first but John

noticed me missing from the bed and sang out to see what was wrong. I told him my belly hurt and I couldn’t sleep so he asked if there was anything he could do and I said no. He decided he would get up so I had to tell him to go back to sleep, I was making him a surprise breakfast since I couldn’t sleep anyways with the pain. When it was all made I called out to him to get up to get dressed, only then remembering that I planned to make a video of myself before I made one of telling him. So I had to quickly and quietly make a video so he wouldn’t hear! He came out from the room and asked if I was ok to which I replied “my belly hurt to bad I couldn’t sleep” and he came over, believing me, and hugged me from behind to tell me it was ok. He then headed to the table and sat down.