Help with weaning!

Marissa • Mom to Hezekiah 10/23/17 (🌈) & Noah 2/8/20 (🌈) Baby #3 due 3/27/22

Hello all! I am currently 5w5d pregnant w/ baby num 2! I still nurse my 17 month old (usually just before nap & bedtime, & maybe twice more throughout the day) But my nipples are super sensitive right now & my supply has dropped drastically (I don’t get full/engorged unless we don’t nurse for like 10-12 hours)

When I try to cut out feeding or stop when I can no longer bear the pain, my son cries & cries. When it’s 3a & I have nothing to give him to help it’s sooo hard, especially dealing with first trimester exhaustion.

Any weaning tips/tricks? The plan was to make it to 2 years but I don’t want to anymore: I need him sleeping as long as possible without a boob before this baby comes in December!