My little princess hates her carseat !


My 5month old is miserable in her carseat and id love to get as much feedback as i can please ! Does anybody have any ideas/suggestions/comments..ANY advice about their little ones in their carseats or is my princess the only baby in the whole world that hates hers ! Lol Ive fixed her straps, tried 2 different carseats thinking maybe one was making her too uncomfortable with her having acid reflux. Shes on medication for her reflux so her peds said she shouldnt be in pain that she just doesnt like being strapped in her seat. Its so hard for us to go to appointments, to Publix, errands because she wont even just drive around in the car to get to where we are going..and she isnt one of those babies that loves to just fall asleep in the car with the driving soothing her ! When I get off of work at night I have to sit in the back with her to stick a bottle in her mouth just in case so my mom doesnt become a nervous wreck driving us down the street to our house ! It became to much for me to drive with her alone in the back because it seems like its a deathly scream it scares me! As soon as i take her out shes perfectly fine; even in her stroller where 1 of her carseats connects to and loves stroller rides BUT only for like 30mns then is antsy and uncomfortable again. Shes now to the point where she gives me a hard time to go in it and sit down where shes putting her legs out to not have to sit on her butt lol poor girl, and poor me....HELP