Sorry for the long posting


My boyfriend and I been together since 2014...ive been ttc since 2016...I stopped in 2018 and had the mindset that I wasn’t preventing or trying..because my ob said everything should b fine because I’m healthy and my fibroids and cysts disappeared ( after taking vitex ) and then I started getting pain a few months ago finally got an apt and remembered that my ex gave me clamydia an I got treated for it the year before I got with my boyfriend ( 2013 ) didn’t know he gave it to me til then and after that I swear to god I forgot that even happened...before anyways asks why I haven’t told her before hand...anyways I mentioned that to my OB last month and she recommended getting an HSG test done...soo I was pumped for that..( the appointment isn’t until June 5th ) until I had an internal ultrasound two days ago..I just got my results today...says I have fibroids and cysts( I’m going to upload the results ) but it’s says that I MAY have “ bilateral hydrosalpinx” and when I googled it I just bust out into tears...reading up on it...I kinda have hope because as soon as I looked it up I seen a few “ yahoo “ and GLOW stories about the condition and I seen some successful stories...and then I looked up and seen that the surgery ( if needed ), the HSG testing and whatever else SHOULD b covered by my insurance...and I talked to my OB about that and she said she’s going to try and see if they could schedule my testing I’m just nervous...because my boyfriend and I just had a major breakthrough last month...we sat there for 12 hours LITERALLY just laughing , having intercourse in the mix, drinking , watching movies , enjoying each other company and most important told each other how we truly feel about each other , and shared our secrets idk it was passionate as hell 😍😍😍 anyways he told me he ready for me to have his SON ( he already has a daughter ) and that he wants to move together and plan this baby later on in the year and it’s exciting and stuff but deep down I’m upset...I haven’t told him cause I don’t want him to look at me in shame because I could probably not have kids or it will b complicating ...and I’m thinking like if I tell him , if he loves me he will just support me ..I know he will I’m just scared. Even if we don’t work our in life ( which I’m not going to think negative about ) in life my biggest thing is I want to bring a healthy baby boy into the world. All I want is one child , one son ...and I’m scared it’ll never happen 😥😥😥😥