Weaning so that we can expand our family


I’ve had a couple cycles, but am not ovulating with enough time for an egg to implant before my period starts. My husband and I want our children very close together and started TTC around 5 months pp with full clearance from my OB at 6 months. We’re coming up on 10 months and I’m emotionally torn. Breastfeeding was a struggle between the tongue tie, forceful letdown and then dips in supply due to periods. We’re finally in a really good spot, but my supply is still a little low so I give him extra solids and some formula each day to balance it out. Is it “wrong” that I want to wean so I can become pregnant? I know many women can fall pregnant while breastfeeding, but it doesn’t seem to be that way for me simply because of only having 4-6 days between ovulation and the start of af. My other thoughts are that if I get down to only breastfeeding 2-4x a day that it may help. He currently nurses 5am,8am, 10am, 12pm, 3pm, 7pm with the occasional extra nursing sessions in there. I like that nursing calms him down and soothes him, but sometimes he will nurse up to 12x a day (teething days mostly), so it’s also a little to get anything major done. I’m truly conflicted, does anyone have any stories, advice or help?

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