Weight Loss


Way too embarrassed to post this to my social media! So I’d like to share with you ladies.

First picture is July 2018 when I found out I was a couple weeks pregnant with my 2nd baby. I had always been a “twig” growing up but had gained a lot of after I had my first child. I was usually around 135- 150 mark.. however in the first picture I was 197lbs. I never realized how large I was compared to my usual self.

Second picture is March 16th, 2019 (39 weeks pregnant) weighing 187lbs! Yes you read that right. I lost so much weight this pregnancy due to nausea and I guess I was just eating a lot better and not so much junk!

Third picture is March 31st, 2019 (2 weeks postpartum) weighing 159lbs!! It’s been quite a journey and I am going to try my ABSOLUTE best to take care of my body. Can’t wait to be cleared from the doctor to exercise. Feel like it’s my chance to really work on myself.

I am just really amazed at how our bodies work, women really are the best!!