My husbands best friend

I’ve been with my husband for 11 years and he’s always had this best friend that I got along great with as well let’s call him “Ben”

So about 5 years ago Ben met a girl and started dating her let’s call her “Megan”.

When I met Megan we instantly became best friends we had a lot in common and just clicked as friends. Me my husband, Ben and Megan spend a lot of time together dinner at each other’s house going out together it was great. So about a year in to Ben and Megan’s relationship Ben started treating Megan like shit being verbally abuses right in front of us and even talking horrible shit about her to us when she wasn’t around ( that I didn’t appreciate). He would even tell her straight to her face that her sister is hotter than her and he should fuck her sister.

He was cheating on her constantly with multiple different girls but Megan kept taking him back ( even though she would cry to me and I would tell her to leave him)..

he even started getting physical with her and choked her out one night. Even me and my husband would get in arguments with Ben about how he treated Megan but it’s just wasn’t our place when she kept staying with him.

She stayed with him for 4 years until she finally left him..

Fast forward to now I still talk to Megan we are still best friends even though she met me through her abusive ex. Me and my husband even go out with her and her new boyfriend.

We still hang out with Ben also because he is my husbands friend they’ve been friends since kindergarten. Ben knows I still am friends with Megan and tells me I’m a bad friend to him because I was his friend first and I should not be talking to his ex.

Ben is a complete mess now and cry’s and try’s to get Megan’s back always blowing up her phone begging her to come back.

He gets drunk and yells and screams about how I should not be still talking to her. And tells my husband that he is the man of the relationship and he shouldn’t let me talk to her. It’s honestly ridiculous and this happens about twice a month he comes over to our house yelling and screaming about me still being her friend.

My husband has my back and says that’s her friend and he not going to do anything about it.

So the other day I printed out a bunch of pictures from my phone because I do scrapbooking and some of them were of a trip we went on to Disneyland with Megan and her new boyfriend. Well the pictures were on the living room table and Ben was over drinking and he went through the pictures and saw them. This sent him in to another drunken rampage he started yelling at my husband about us going to Disneyland with Megan and her new boyfriend he threw the pictures all over the room and it looked like he was going to try and fight my husband. He yelled and screamed and called us bad friends and we knew him first blah blah blah. We ended up yelling at him to get the fuck out of our house.

If you were in this situation how would you deal with Ben?

@mrs. I edited the post he doesn’t yell directly at me i meant to say about me. If he yelled at me my husband would knock his ass out. he yells more to my husband to control my friend ship with her. My husband always has my back and puts him in his place and tells him that’s not going to happen.

Edit- we did confront him about choking Megan and he denied it and said Megan lied. But I believe Megan and think he probably did it in a drunken rampage

Edit- whenever he gets in one of these drunken episodes and we kick him out he always comes back apologizing saying he barely remembers