My boyfriend is a gay? 🚨

Me and my boyfriend have been together for over 1 year... but now I kinda have feelings like he’s gay...

1. He always interested in gay guy coming out

2. He doesn’t like when i asked him are u gay or something?

3. But sometimes, he asked me whether i still love him if he a gay or not

4. He’s kinda soft from the very beginning

5. Yes... we had sexual contacts before and now he admits that he’s loosing interest in having sex with me

6. Now, he’s seeing a guy who used to be his friend, but when i asked him he said “ he’s just a friend”

7. He really loves gay movies

8. But he doesn’t let me break up with him, kept saying he loves me

9. He also confuses about his gender but kept denying that he’s totally straight

10. And he loves being around with his guy friends more than me

P.s. we never had that problem before... our relationship life was pretty normal and we had really great time in bed.

All started when the friend that I mentioned in no. 6 , since then, his manners changed.

He used to be the one who’s so active in bed but now, even when i try to turn on he seems like he’s not in mood.

But he doesn’t let me break up so what should I do?