I lost my baby at 8 weeks 😔...

Cristal 🤰🏻🌈👶🏻

This is so hard to digest but I had an appointment on Wednesday for my 10 week follow up and was informed my baby had passed 2 weeks ago (missed miscarriage); stopped growing at 8 weeks and no heartbeat was found. I had a D&C procedure done on Friday.

My 10 year old son was so excited to finally become a big brother, my husband was excited to have his first biological baby, my in-laws were beyond static and my family knew how bad I was ready and anxious to become a mother again.

My husband has been out of the country for over 2 weeks and this has only made things more difficult on the both of us.

I’m trying to stay positive, my baby’s due date would’ve been October 28, 2019. Fortunately blood work was done prior that same day before given the news by the doctor. Hopefully, I’ll find some answers that way. Chromosomes and the gender of the baby were going to be revealed to me next week.

I just ask that I please stay in y’alls prayers. I did not want to get pregnant again but after research and talking to my doctor more; unfortunately this is very common and usually the following pregnancy is successful. Maybe my body was just not ready yet... my little angel 👼.