Baby names - Girl E names


Ok so we love ‘E’ names and I’m torn between all of them. We originally loved Evelyn Grace but now I’m rethinking it (as I did with my son at least once a month) but my husband is still stuck on Evelyn. I like Emerson because it’s different for a girl but I don’t know how I like it with her brothers name (Logan). I feel like Logan and Emily go together well, but we love the nickname ‘Evie’ which is why we have so many names starting with Ev. Emmeline is also a cute one because it is an old fashioned name but we can use ‘emmie’ as a nickname. Middle name has not been decided. Please help! My mom thinks we should use another ‘L’ name like her brother so if you have any cute L girl name suggestions I will take them! If these names aren’t for you, please simply skip this poll. Thanks!

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