Breastfeeding my baby with vsd


At exactly 38 weeks March 29th I gave birth to my son. I was so ecstatic to have him with me finally only to find out he had fluid on his lungs that caused pneumonia, his blood sugar was very low, his breathing was very fast and he made a grunting noise when he did breath and he also had a very large vsd(ventricular septal defect) and a medium sized asd(atrial septal defect). My heart broke hearing all this but he was instantly put into the NICU. They started him on sugar water to get his sugars up and antibiotics for 7 days to help the pneumonia go away. Within a few days he was doing great! His sugars stabilized and I was able to hold him and breast feed him.

It is now a week later, he is off the antibiotics and his breathing is great besides its fast still. I've been breastfeeding during every touch time I can get with him (I have a 5 year old at home so I cant stay with him all the time)

Now he needs to gain a little weight and eat food without needing a feeding tube. But each time I breast feed him he is only going for about 10-27 minutes each time. It's so hard to get him to wake up once he starts falling asleep. I've looked up articles and read just about everything to wake a sleeping baby during feeding but nothing works! I want him home with me so bad but I dont know how else to get him to eat without needing the feeding tube.

After he is done with breastfeeding they usually give him the rest of what he needs in his tube.

I just wish I knew what to do to have my baby home with me 😫😔