*HELP* what should I do???

Me and my girl live together and we work at the same place when we first got together I could talk to her about how I was feeling no problem she would listen and tell me how she felt about it and help me feel better as time went on she almost lost her kids over a stupid argument and was depressed for a period of time and I felt so helpless I tried to do everything in my power to make her happy talk to her friends on what I should do about how I was feel about the way she felt and one of them told her and she took it the wrong way so she talked to me about it and that way that then weeks later someone from her past showed up to our job and called her by her middle name when I know that only family calls her that so it took me by surprise and when I went to ask her about it she ignored me so I left it be even though it upset me I asked her again about it later and she got defensive about it so I told her to leave it alone and I would get over it but she kept going at it and only upset me more and then later told me that if I were to react the way I did ever again that we couldn’t be in a relationship some more time goes by and I had vented to a coworker because of was having a shitty day and he took what I had said and changed it and went to her and told her that she was noble for raising someone else’s kids she took a couple of days to talk to me about it because it clearly upset her but had taken his side over what was said and wouldn’t even listen and now I was talking to her about possibly getting a tattoo and being that we are trying to get a house so I’m saving towards that and she caught a whole attitude like she wont even talk to me any more like right now at this point I just feel like any old person sleeping in her bed I don’t know what to do I love her and feel like this has only happened because of an event that happened to her so early on in our relationship that she doesn’t know what to do so she is lashing out at me because that is all she can do. Any words of advice?