Please tell me I'm not alone

My husband is completely opposite to the man I married... he was the most kindest trustworthy beautiful man I knew I wasn't ever physically attracted to him not that he's bad looking but that part was just never there for me he's not great in bed but before you judge me... I've ALWAYS looked past these things until now. What is left? Out daughter is special needs & will need to be home schooled I dunno if I can do this if I leave him but if that's the only reason I'm here how freaking SAD!! I'm struggling mentally after just finding out how I'll my baby is & he's too busy just saying things to bring me down for fun to make stupid points about stupid shit for eg I want him to get life insurance now I know that I can't work she needs 24/7 care he's like so what if I drop dead now who is to say my super fund will pay you whhhhhy would you add stress just to avoid sorting out life insurance why who does this to someone already struggling let alone their wife. I want to give my daughter a sibling and with our genes the next will most likely be the same yet I still feel we should I'm not at all the kid of person that will get a new partner as I'll never ever trust anyone with my baby now but what the hell do I do ? Is this normal?! I'm going crazy here!! Help me please

Be honest any opinions are welcome! Am I crazy or is it him I'm so confused 😔😔😔